Mountain bike wheels are more resilient than other wheels because they take a beating. Constantly going over rocks and other jagged materials requires mountain bike wheels to be heavy-duty. They also need a broader rim that could help to increase the amount of punishment the wheel can take. It is important to remember that mountain bike wheels are some of the heaviest on the market, which can slow down the street writing and make storage more cumbersome.
Road wheels are strong enough for riding through most city streets, but they are lightweight, unlike mountain bike wheels. They have a thinner wheelbase, which means they can handle increased speed more efficiently. These wheels also make it easier to climb hills than other wheels.
Cargo bikes and adult tricycle wheels are often a hybrid between mountain and road bike wheels. Cargo and adult tricycles tend to carry more weight, so the wheels and wheelbase need to transport that extra load comfortably and safely.
Once you’ve chosen which type of wheel would be best for your writing style, you then have another step to take for picking the best wheel. What type of mountain bike wheel or road bike wheel would be best because there are many different options? It would help if you did not hesitate to give our talented team a call for more information about getting the best wheels for your adult tricycle or a cargo bike.