Factory Direct Store
Proudly Made in America* Since 1898 *using high quality domestic and imported parts
Made in America*
Since 1898
Made in America*
Since 1898

*using high quality
domestic and imported parts

Factory Direct Store
Proudly Made in America* Since 1898
Made in America*
Since 1898
Made in America*
Since 1898

*using high quality
domestic and imported parts


Using Cargo Bikes in Urban Areas

Businesses located in urban areas greatly benefit from incorporating freight bicycles into their vehicle line. When it comes down to it, a cargo bike can lower monthly costs and increase business, all while protecting the environment.Cargo Bikes

What makes cargo bicycles so special?

Inexpensive to buy, maintain, and repair: how much does it cost to purchase a van or truck? You also need to factor in insurance, gas, and repairs. To cut down on these costs, you should consider replacing gas-powered vehicles with bikes and trikes.

Environmentally friendly: Cars burn fossil fuels, which are known to damage the environment. Everyone needs to be aware of their impact on the planet and do things to lessen their carbon footprint. Owning and using bikes is better for the environment than owning and driving cars.

Great for cities and urban riding: More and more, cities and towns are adding bike lanes, which makes getting around very easy and safe. You have many free options for parking compared to driving a truck.

Cargo Bikes

A healthy alternative: sitting in a van for prolonged periods is bad for the body. Humans are meant to be active, but the busy workday makes it difficult for us to be as mobile as we need. Riding bikes is a great way to keep fit and active. A healthy employee tends to be a better employee because they are happier and more eager to work.