Shop our full line of recreational two-wheelers right here! If you cannot find exactly what you are looking for, call us at 888-3WHEELER for further assistance.
Design Your Own Classic American Cruiser!
Choose a Pre-Configured Cruiser
Design Your Own Lightweight Dutchie Cruiser
Pre-Configured Lightweight Dutchie Cruisers
Classic Board Track Style SPORSTMAN FLYER
Choose a Tandem Bicycle BUILT FOR TWO!
Choose a Convenent Folding Bike
Ride the Ultimate MG Comfort Bike
Lightweight ATLANTIC COAST Beach Cruiser
At Worksman, we believe cycling should be relaxing and fun! Superior ergonomics make our bicycles more comfortable than any other brand. We keep our bicycle designs simple, evoking the look and feel of the bicycles we all rode around the neighborhood as children. You may not have a paper route anymore, but that doesn't mean you can't pedal around town on your world famous Classic American Cruiser! These throwback style bicycles are fully customizable. Everything from handlebars to seats, fenders to front and rear baskets. Make a Worksman cruiser your very own!b>Short on space? Try our popular line of Folding Bicycles. These unisex framed bikes have been a favorite of our customers for more than 50 years! Big on family fun? Pedal around town on a bicycle built for two! Be sure to check out our Tandem department. (Tandems available in both two and three wheel configurations)