When we buy a bicycle or cargo bike, they typically come with a seat. Because our purchase includes a bike seat, most people tend to not look at different saddle options. Did you know that the seat your bike comes with might not be the optimal seat for you to be using? Picking the right seat for your body and riding type will ensure you are comfortable riding. When riding an adult, motorized tricycle, picking a comfortable and practical seat is essential.
What type of riding do you do?
- Mountain biking: do you usually stick to mountain trails and extreme riding? Do you alternate between standing and a crouched position? A mountain-specific saddle has padding near your sit bones. It has a durable cover and a streamlined design that aids in quick movements.
- Tour biking: when long-distance riding is what you want to do, you should opt for a saddle that is somewhere between a mountain and road saddle. These saddles provide enough cushioning while also being long with a narrow nose.
- Recreational biking: sitting upright, on a commuter or urban bike, requires a wide and plush seat. In many cases, they have padding and springs. These seats are not comfortable for longer rides. Cargo bicycles benefit from these types of seats.
- Road biking: if speed is your thing, you need a seat that will help you go fast while staying in control. These seats are long and narrow with minimal padding. This allows riders to ride comfortably in more aggressive positions.
Cargo Bike
You do not have to settle with the seat your adult motorized tricycle or cargo bicycle comes with. Take some time to evaluate your riding habits and then get a seat that meets your needs.