Factory Direct Store
Proudly Made in America* Since 1898 *using high quality domestic and imported parts
Made in America*
Since 1898
Made in America*
Since 1898

*using high quality
domestic and imported parts

Factory Direct Store
Proudly Made in America* Since 1898
Made in America*
Since 1898
Made in America*
Since 1898

*using high quality
domestic and imported parts


Learning How to Safely Ride an Electric Bike or Trike

Bicycles have been around since the early 19th century, and with each year since then technology has changed causing bicycles to evolve over the last 200 or so years. Looking at old models compared to modern ones can quickly show big differences. Some of the most important inventions for bike technology includes front/back brakes, matching sized wheels, and gears shifters. The above technology, and similar parts, make riding bikes easy and safe. Cargo Bikes

One of the most important technological changes to happen in the world of cycling over the last fifteen years is the addition of an electronic motor to a bike or trike. An electric bike makes riding in hilly cities much easier. It is a great tool for those who transport heavy gear on a cargo bike. Many city businesses are replacing cars and van with electric cargo bikes.

If you think that this type of bike or trike can benefit you or your business, you must consider what it will be like riding this type of bike. For those who have never had extra power from an electric motor, it is important to learn a few tips and tricks before getting on the road.

With an E-bike, a rider must pay extra attention to the traffic on the road. E-bikes can reach speeds of up to 20 mph, which is fast. A drive may not be expecting a cargo bike to be moving that fast. When traveling at quicker raters, riders must consider the actions of drivers as well as their own.

Monitor speed while traveling on your bike. These bikes can pick up speed quickly, which can put someone in a dangerous scenario. Be in control of your speed, to avoid running stop lights and hitting pedestrians who make quick and unpredictable movements. You may need to consider braking early with this type of bike.

Cargo Bikes

Protect yourself while riding on an E-bike. They are just bikes and when someone falls they can get really hurt. Make sure to always ride with protective gear, like a helmet. Also make sure to have the proper safety accessories on the bike itself: lights, reflective tape, horns.

An E-bike or E-trike can be great for business and for personal riding. For more information on our E-bikes, cargo bikes, or trike bikes, please do not hesitate to give us a call. We know bikes and trikes.