Adult tricycles are easier to mount because they are lower to the ground. The third wheel means that everyone sits down on the tricycle without worrying about balancing. It is all too common to see somebody get onto a bike and immediately fall off because of issues with balancing. This is not the case with an adult tricycle. Speaking of balancing, these rides require almost no consideration or work to balance while in motion. The only time a person needs to consider balancing is when taking a turn at high speeds. This issue is easily rectified by slowing down as a prop as you approach the turn.
Finding balance is essential for those who ride urban environments to remain safe. There is a constant stop and start motion when riding between traffic stop signs and traffic signals. One of the hardest things to do while on a bicycle is to remain upright while standing still. On an adult tricycle or cargo bike, this is not a problem.
If the balance is an issue for you, for whatever reason at all, you can still ride a bike, except yours will have three wheels. These rides are affordable, fun to ride, and, most of all, safe. Don’t let balance stand in the way of you experiencing the open road.