Wearing a helmet when riding allows you to:
Protect your head and brain - Protection is the number one reason to wear a helmet while riding. Riders who wear helmets reduce their chance of a head injury by 50 percent, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation.
Show off your sense of style - Helmets come in so many unique styles. Choosing a helmet allows you to showcase your style. Aside from a multitude of colors, helmets come adorned with animals, flowers, sports teams, and more.
Set a good example for children - Children often do as they see, not as they are told. You can instruct your child to wear a helmet 100 times, but if they see you ride without wearing one, they are unlikely to listen. Lead by example and guide your child by always wearing a helmet when you go out riding.
Be protected from the elements - If your trike is your only mode of transportation to and from work, you’ll sometimes ride in undesirable weather. A helmet protects your hair from the rain. Helmets also protect from UV rays.