Factory Direct Store
Proudly Made in America* Since 1898 *using high quality domestic and imported parts
Made in America*
Since 1898
Made in America*
Since 1898

*using high quality
domestic and imported parts

Factory Direct Store
Proudly Made in America* Since 1898
Made in America*
Since 1898
Made in America*
Since 1898

*using high quality
domestic and imported parts


Brief History of American Bikes

Cargo BikeIt is difficult to pin down the exact origins of the bicycle, as it seems that the creation was due to a multitude of co-conspirators, over the course of many years.   What can be surmised is that the creation modern bicycle started in the early 1800s. 

The first accolade can be given to a man by the name of Baron von Sauerburn, of Sauerburn. Von Sauerburn envisioned a wheel that could be capable of being steered.  Coupled to a seat, armrest and frame he created a device known as the velocipede. Gaining popularity and Europe and France, as a revolutionary method of travel, the velocipede eventually made its name a homestay in America.  Yet, it lost some popularity due to the difficulties experienced when riding.

In America, the velocipede was perpetually tinkered and toyed with, until it fit the needs of the riders who desired bicycles as a method of transport. As a result, there were many versions along the duration of history that added to the modern day bicycle. The infamous, High Wheel bike was popularized as a result of the realization that the larger the wheel, the greater the distance traveled, but because the rider sat so high up, he had a tendency to tip over.  Later, the wheel was shrunk down, fastened to a metal frame, rubber tires, and shock absorbers in order to provide a more comfortable, and safer ride.

In 1899 the bicycle met the need for inexpensive, and efficient individualized transportation.  The bicycle was utilized for business deliveries recreational riding, transportation, and on some occasion’s sport. The League of American Wheelmen was formed on may 30th in the late 1800s and had a dedicated following of over 150,000 members.  During this period of rapid technological advances in the bicycle realm, there were many American bikes made that fit the needs of the individual rider. An example of such an American made bicycles is the cargo bike.

Cargo Bikes

Cargo bikes are specific bicycles that are designed for carrying ands transporting large loads.  Typically affixed with an enclosed box, flat platform, or wire basket, cargo bikes are specialized for handing weight loads much larger than the traditional bicycle.  You can catch a cargo bike peddling throughout the crowded streets of New York, on its way to a delivery.  With the tremendous amount of traffic caused by automobiles, cargo bike messengers are able to reach their goals at a much quicker efficiency that a car.

Today there are many popular American made bicycles that a customer can buy. Each bike can be designed for a distinct purpose, whether it is road cycling, mountain biking, or even freight hauling.