Factory Direct Store
Proudly Made in America* Since 1898 *using high quality domestic and imported parts
Made in America*
Since 1898
Made in America*
Since 1898

*using high quality
domestic and imported parts

Factory Direct Store
Proudly Made in America* Since 1898
Made in America*
Since 1898
Made in America*
Since 1898

*using high quality
domestic and imported parts


Top Four Tips for Proper Adult Tricycle Storage this Winter

Cargo BikesFor many people, riding a bicycle or tricycle is their preferred exercise and transportation. Those that live in the northern half of the country, especially in the Northeast, are unfortunately subjected to a few months of the year when riding conditions are unfavorable or impossible. When the weather becomes too cold and the roads become dangerous, putting the bike or trike away for the winter is often the right call. If you are ready to store your bike for the cold and dark winter, there are a few things you should first do to ensure the bike performs and looks the way it should once pulled from storage.

Steps to Prep Adult Tricycles and Cargo Bikes for Winter Storage

  • Clean the Tricycle: First, you’ll want to clean the bike or adult tricycle with soap and water. The purpose is to remove grime, dirt, or dust that could harm the paint job of the bicycle.
  • Lubricate Moving Parts: Few parts on a bike or trike need lube, but those that do, require frequent application. Doing this right before placing a bike in storage prevents parts from freezing and rusting, ensuring a smooth ride for spring. Ensure lubrication is applied to the chain, gears, and other moving parts. 
  • Check the Tires: Take the short time needed to inflate the tires to a safe pressure. Doing this during the cold winter prevents cracking or deterioration. Some people prefer slightly over-inflating them, as they may lose pressure due to cold temperatures.
  • Hang or Elevate If Possible: If you can, hanging the adult tricycle off the ground is ideal. There are several benefits from doing this, which include:
  • Avoiding water damage if there is a pipe burst and flood
  • Preventing tires from developing flat spots
  • Keeping away from dampness

Maintaining your adult tricycle directly affects its performance. Proper winter storage helps to give peace of mind that bikes and trikes perform after being locked away in the cold. Inadequate storage often leads a person to find a bike that needs new parts or a tune-up.